Meat Shortage Means No Burgers At Wendy's

The long forewarned core shortage in the Federated States has come for one of America's first fresh, ne'er frozen, fast-nutrient meat purveyors: Wendy's. That's right, Wendy's locations across the country are winning their magnificently Little Jo-sided burgers off the menu and only offering chicken or side items.

It turns out that Wendy's commitment to using rested and non sleety beef has made information technology particularly susceptible to falling prey to issues in domestic food provide chains. Because they ne'er freeze their beef, they are dependent on a supply chain that exists near them. Frozen beef, on the unusual hand, can embody imported from or so anywhere, making beef processing works shutdowns (of which there have been umteen o'er the erstwhile few weeks A workers get sick from COVID-19, stretching meat, poultry, and pork shortages thin) a more dire situation for the fashionable burger chain. And vindicatory as grocery store stores and unshared human beings might struggle to find beef over the next few weeks, so will prompt food chains, it looks like.

But not entirely Wendy's are outer of their notable burgers. Michigan, for model, still has beef cattle on the menu and others crosswise the country expected haven't been impacted yet, as well. Wendy's, which has closely 6,000 chain locations across the country, will make to navigate an unpredictable later for the time beingness. Just like the rest of us.


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